A safe and secure home is something most of us take for granted. But many of our residents have faced homelessness as a result of life crises they couldn't resolve on their own. You can make a lasting difference in the lives of many of our residents, now and in the future, by making a substantial charitable donation to Daybreak Housing.
Planned Giving is a way of making a sizable donation in your memory. You may choose to remember Daybreak Housing in your will, or as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or insured annuity. Daybreak Housing is a registered charity, so we can provide a tax receipt for your contribution at a time when your estate would benefit the most. Your lawyer or estate planning professional can guide you through this process.
You may also choose to make a gift of securities, either in your lifetime or through your estate. There is no capital gains tax on gifts of this nature, and you will benefit by receiving a tax receipt for the fair market value of these shares. Consult your investment professional for more details. Information about how to transfer such gifts in kind may be obtained by contacting us at 613-236-8070 ext. 721.